miercuri, 31 ianuarie 2018

Baneasa - (Baneasa Investment)




Hidroizolare rost de lucru din zona liftului.




Etapa I

Hidroizolare rost de lucru la cota -7,50 m.

S-a folosit profil hidroizolant AA 500/35 Besaflex. Profilul este cu montare externa, proprietatile hidroizolante si ale materialului din care este fabricat face ca sa sigileze total rostul impotriva infiltratiilor. Montarea se face pe intreg perimetrul din putul liftului.

Etapa II

Hidroizolarea rostului de lucru de la cota -6,60m.

S-a folosit profil hidroizolant AA 240 EA de colt cu montare externa. Montarea se face pe intreg perimetrul.


Desen anexat.



Baneasa - (Baneasa Investment)

BESAPLAST® –Clamped Construction


BESAPLAST® –Clamped Construction 




Hidroizolare rost 4,5cm






Sistemul propus este format din profil hidroizolant BESAPLAST® FM350K- elastoflex.

Constructia profilului hidroizolant face ca montarea acestuia sa fie foarte simpla.

Montarea acestuia consta in:

Fixarea mecanica pe constructia existent cu ajutorul urmatoarelor elemente:

– Banda de cauciuc striat de 80x3mm

– Profilul hidroizolant FM350K

– Eclise din otel inoxidabil 80x10mm

– Ancore cu reactie chimica cu tija de Ø12×120

Montarea incepe prin trasarea locului unde va fi montat, urmat de executia gaurilor pentru ancore. Distanta dintre gauri va fi de 8-10cm (10-12 ancore/ml).Dupa fixarea ancorelor se monteaza banda de cauciuc striat, profilul hidroizolant si eclisele din otel.( eclisele sunt gaurite in corespondenta cu gaurile pentru ancore.

Se face strangerea piulitelor la un cuplu de max 40Nm. Sclisele preseaza pe profilul hidroizolant si pe banda de cauciuc striata care se comporta ca o garnitura suplimentara.

Partea libera a profilului va fi montata la turnarea betonului.

Desen anexat.

BESAPLAST® –Clamped Construction

Profile trepte

Profile perntru trepte de scari

Profile din plastic



Profilele termoplastice pentru trepte de scari se folosesc pentru acoperirea treptelor scarilor asigurand astfel pastrarea muchiilor drepte si un aspect placut.

Profile trepte

Tija pentru sfori - KL - 45



Tija pentru maner dublu in profil U care este prinsa in perechi prin 4-6 capse. La lungimea de 250 – 330 mm sunt 4 si la 380 mm sunt 6 capse.

Distanta dintre centre la gaurile mici pentru sfori se ridica la 330 / 275 mm lungime, la 300 / 275 mm lungime, 140 mm si la 380 mm lungime, 160 mm.

Prin aceste tije pentru sfori – KL – 45 se obtine o sacosa cu sfori.


Latime arcada: 21 mm

Lungime arcada: 250, 275, 300, 330, 380 mm

Prelucrare: automata

Ambalare: depozitare in cutii din carton ondulat

Culoare: natur, negru, alb si culoare la cerere

Tija pentru sfori - KL - 45

Razuitoare gheata forma trapez


O razuitoare de gheata cu forma  de trapez cu 4 suprafete de lucru.

Prima suprafata din stanga este plata pentru a razui chiciura de pe geam.

A doua si a treia suprafata sunt zimtate, pentru a razui gheata de pe geam.

A patra suprafata inferioara a razuitoarii gheata – TR – 85 poate fi mutata la 90 grade (gri) este moale, prin care apa poate fi scursa de pe geam.

Pentru agatarea la raft razuitoarea pentru gheata are in mijloc o gaura.

In interiorul formei de trapez poate fi imprimata sau gravata sigla unei firme.


Material: PS

Ambalare: ambalate lejer in cutii din carton ondulat

Culoare: natur, negru, alb si culoare la cerere

Razuitoare gheata forma trapez

Maner dublu de agatat - HKR14 - 41



Maner de agatat, in perechi cu profil U cu toarta rotunda. Sus in toarta este incorporat un carlig. Prin deschizatura manerului, manerul poate fi manipulat foarte bine.

Manerul dublu de agatatHKR14 – 41 de transportat are 4 capse mici in intaritura pentru sistemul de inchidere si 3 in toarta de sus.

Acest maner dublu de agatat este adecvat pentru sacose destinate produselor usoare, care sunt agatate de bara, dar care pot fi si usor transportate.


Interiorul carligului: 14 mm

Latime arcada: 16 mm

Lungime arcada: 215, 275 mm

Material: LDPE – HDPE – PP

Prelucrare: automata

Ambalare: depozitare in cutii din carton ondulat

Culoare: natur, negru, alb si culoare la cerere

Maner dublu de agatat - HKR14 - 41

Seasons Residence Brasov - sistem acoperire rost vertical

DEFLEX-BESAPLAST –sistem acoperire rost vertical


SITUATIE Acoperire rost dilatatie dinre 2 cladiri.

Rost dintre cladiri 15cm (rost perete)

Profil perete care sa asigure o miscare de maxim 20 mm.

Rostul spre exterior trebuie hidroizolat.



Rostul la interior este de 15 cm

Acoperirea rostului se face cu un profil DEFLEX® 321-140. Profilul asigura inchiderea rostului si permite miscarea pentru care a fost cerut. Hidroizolarea se face cu profil BESAPLAST® RF550 montat cu bucla la interior si fixat intre membranele hidroizolante.

Dupa montarea termosistemului se inchide rostul cu profil DEFLEX® E321-100 sau E321-050 in functie de grosimea acestuia.

Fixarea se face cu dibluri de Ø8 sau Ø10 cu lungimea in functie de grosimea termosistemului.

Prin fixarea acestui profil DEFLEX® se asigura si o fixare suplimentara a profilului hidroizolant BESAPLAST® RF550.

Sistemul montat asigura inchiderea rostului si hidroizolarea acestuia.

Desen anexat

Seasons Residence Brasov - sistem acoperire rost vertical

Razuitoare gheata

razuitoare gheata


O razuitoare de gheata cu forma de trapez cu 4 suprafete de lucru.

Prima suprafata din stanga a razuitorii de gheata TRN – 86 este plata pentru a razui chiciura de pe geam.

A doua suprafata este sus si dreapta este zimtata. Cu ea se poate razui gheata de pe geam.

A treia suprafata inferioara poate fi mutata la 90 grade (gri) este moale, Cu ea apa poate fi scursa de pe geam.

Pentru agatarea la raft razuitoarea pentru gheata are in mijloc o gaura.

In interiorul formei de trapez poate fi imprimat sau gravat logo-ul unei companii.


Material: PS

Ambalare: ambalate lejer in cutii din carton ondulat

Culoare: natur, negru, alb si culoare la cerere

Razuitoare gheata

Studiu de caz : Sistem impermeabilizare si acoperire a unui rost seismic


Se cere rezolvarea rostului din pardoseala; zona circulabila, trafic pietonal.


Pentru rezolvarea rostului seismic, cu dimensiunea de Fb=180mm vor fi folosite urmatoarele profiluri: Besaplast®AAON 500, Deflex®850-150, Deflex®399-150.

Pentru impermeabilizarea rostului, dinspre partea inferioara, se va folosi profilul special Besaplast®AAON 500. El se aplica extern si va hidroizola rostul seismic nepermitand infiltrarea apei . La partea superioara, pentru a se permite trafic pietonal, vom monta profilul seismic Deflex®850-150. Insertia acestui profil poate fi facuta din pardoseala care se foloseste pe intreaga suprafata. Deflex®850-150 poate continua in zona de perete cu profilul Deflex®399-150 care are un aspect identic. Astfel prin folosirea materialelor de o calitate superioara oferite de Hidroplasto® s-a rezolvat rostul seismic.



Studiu de caz : Sistem impermeabilizare si acoperire a unui rost seismic

Tija pentru sfori - KRRL - 46




Tija maner dublu in profil U, cu o executie completa, cu o deschizatura in mijloc, prin care tija manerului cu sfori poate fi purtata si in mana.

Distanta dintre centre ale ambelor gauri pentru sfori sunt la 330 / 380 mm lungime, 180 mm. TIJA PENTRU SFORI – KRRL – 46 este fixata la 330 mm lungime prin 10 si la 380 mm lungime prin 12 capse mici.


Latime arcada: 23 mm

Lungime arcada: 330, 380 mm

Prelucrare: automata

Ambalare: depozitare in cutii din carton ondulat

Culoare: natur, negru, alb si culoare la cerere

Tija pentru sfori - KRRL - 46

Benzi etansare rost

Benzi etansare rost

Atunci cand se planuieste constructia unei cladiri trebuie ca proiectantul impreuna cu beneficiarul si executantul sa determine tipul, dimensiunile si pozitionarea rosturilor.

Dimensiunile rosturilor depind de urmatorii factori:

– Tipul solului

– Miscarea prezumata a elementelor de constructie

– Derularea constructiei si a operatiei de betonare

– Armatura

– Deformarea termica a betonului

Rosturile sunt de mai multe feluri:

– de dilatare

– de lucru – de rupere

Rosturile de dilatare sau de deplasare sunt rosturile cu un spatiu intermediar si cu o latime anume pe intreaga grosime a elementelor de constructie, care permit deplasarea elementelor de constructie ca urmare a modificarilor de temperatura.

Rosturile de lucru sunt rosturi care, din motive ale cursului operatiunilor sau a masurilor constructive sunt create in plan. Ele despart elementele de constructie mai lungi in sectiuni de betonare unice. Spre deosebire de rosturile de dilatare la care armatura se intrerupe, rosturile de lucru sunt strabatute de armatura. Uneori apar rosturi de lucru neplanificate, de exemplu la defectarea masinilor, intreruperea livrarilor de beton, care trebuie, de asemenea, etansate.

Rosturile de rupere servesc la controlul ruperilor prin planificarea sectiunilor slabe si crearea unui loc de rupere. Slabirea sectiunii in zona rostului de rupere trebuie sa fie de minim 1/3 din grosimea elementului de constructie.

Dimensiunile sectiunilor de rupere depind de:

– Tendinta de comprimare a betonului

– Viteza de uscare

– Dificultati create de alte elemente de constructie

La peretii mai lungi se vor prevedea sectiuni de rupere iar distanta intre sectiunile de rupere trebuie sa corespunda, la maxim, cu dublul inaltimii peretelui. Rosturile de imbinare verticale ale peretilor prefabricati se formeaza, de regula, ca sectiuni de rupere.

Etansarea rosturilor de dilatare

Pentru etansarea rosturilor de dilatare sunt necesare elemente de etansare care, prin geometria si compozitia lor, sunt capabile sa preia fara pierderi deformarile. De regula, se folosesc benzi de rosturi de dilatare interioare si exterioare din elastomer sau termoplast. In cazuri speciale se monteaza benzi de inchidere a rosturilor, montate cu clema sau etansari prin adeziune.

 a)    Etansare cu banda de etansare interioara

b)    Etansare cu banda de etansare exterioara

c)    Etansare cu banda de inchidere a rosturilor

Etansarea rosturilor de lucru

   Pentru etansarea rosturilor de lucru sunt disponibile diverse sisteme. Pe langa benzile de rosturi de lucru din elastomer sau termoplast exista table neizolante precum si alte produse: benzi de rosturi de lucru combi, sisteme de tuburi de injectie, table de rost izolate, captuseli absorbante, etansari prin adeziune.

a) etansare cu banda de lucru interna

b) etansare cu banda de lucru externa

    Conditia principala pentru o etansare functionala este abordarea corecta din partea proiectantului cat si a executantului. Un sistem de etansare gresit ales sau o executie gresita constituie, pe langa o betonare defectuoasa, principala cauza a lipsei de etanseitate.

Acest tip de hidroizolare se aplica cu succes la lucrarile impermeabile de beton, asa-numitele „cuve”. La aceste lucrari betonul preia, pe langa functia de rezistenta, si pe cea de etansare astfel nemaifiind nevoie de elemente de constructie care sa protejeze suprafata exterioara, singurele puncte slabe, din punct de vedere al hidroizolarii, reprezentandu-l rosturile.

Benzi etansare rost

Banda etansare ARCOLAR

 Banda etansare

Banda etansare


ARCOLAR –Complex residential


Pinza freatica , exista posibilitatea inundarii subsolului.




Etansarea rostului de dilatatie cu profil BESAPLAST® AD320/35- besaflex. Montarea profilului se face la turnarea radierului, acesta fiind un profil hidroizolant pentru rost de lucru cu montare externa.


Montarea pe radier a profilului impermeabil DEFLEX®500/Nb. Montarea se face cu ancore chimice de M10 x 80. Prelungirea membrane hidroizolante se imbina cu hidoizolatia de pardoseala. In acest mod este sigilat subsolul, garantia asigurata de BESAPLAST® si DEFLEX® fiind de 30 ani.

Faza III

Turnarea sapei si a stratului de uzura pina la nivelul superior a profilului DEFLEX®500/Nb ( H profil=45mm). Din acest moment parcarea subterana nu va mai avea problem cu infiltratiile de apa.

In desenul atasat este prezentat moidul de amplasare a celor doua profile.


Descarca documente:


Banda etansare ARCOLAR

Umerase simple diverse modele


umerase diverse



Carligul simplu – HI22 – 73 este un carlig individual, fara profil cu forma estetica.

Diametrul intern al carligului are 22 mm.

O scobitura rotunda in partea superioara a interiorului carligului simplu – HI22 – 73 permite agatarea carligului de bare mai mici.


Interior carlig: 22 mm

Putere carlig: 2 mm

Latime arcada: 14 mm

Lungime arcada: 100, 150, 180, 205, 250, 285 mm

Material: LDPE – HDPE – PP

Prelucrare: manuala

Ambalare: amabalate lejer sau depozitate in cutii din carton ondulat

Culoare: natur, negru, alb si culoare la cerere

Umerase simple diverse modele

Expansion joint

Expansion Joints

Metal expansion profiles, mainly made of aluminium, are characterised by unparalleled durability as well as increased resistance to loads and influence of an aggressive environment. They are manufactured as embedded in the expansion slit or as overlay systems. A broad range of compensation movements as well as numerous advantages such as, among others, aesthetics, make them broadly popular both among investors as well as among designers.


Technical description

Floor profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation on unfinished floor surfaces. May be used for expansion slits in floors with any type of surface finish.

An advantage of the profile is the option of installing it outside of the expansion slit, which allows using it in spots where the joints are not straight and varying width. A further advantage is the option of replacing the visible profile components without needing to remove it from the floor. The profile is characterised by high ability to compensate building movements. The use of rubber inlays and an additional insulating inlay increases protection against water and humidity intrusion into the expansion joint. The entire visible profile surface is made of high-quality ribbed aluminium, making the profile suitable for rooms with high-quality finishing..

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles418-050


Corner profilesE 418-050

E 418-100

Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width50100
B [mm]Total expansion profile width220270
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation220270
H [mm]Installed height2020
BE [mm]Total expansion profile width135185
SE [mm]Visible profile width after installation135185
HE [mm]Installed height7373
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation50 (±25)120 (±60)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**
Standard length [m]4


Installation diagrams







Technical description

Profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation in expansion slits with any surface finishes. It is characterised by a smooth surface finish (ALG) or a ribbed finish (ALR), depending on the relevant needs, as well as an aesthetically pleasing look. The special profile structure allows it to transfer cave-in forces. Upon request, it is possible to use a synthetic material washer to protect the expansion slit against intrusions of water and humidity.

The entire visible profile surface is made of high-quality ribbed aluminium, making the profile suitable for rooms with high-quality finishing.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc. It is particularly recommended for use in structures such as shopping centres, office buildings, schools, etc.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles423/ALR-030





Corner profilesE 423/ALR-030

E 423/ALR-050

E 423/ALR-070

E 423/ALR-090

E 423/ALR-100

Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width30507090100
B [mm]Total expansion profile width150170190210230
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation557595115135
H [mm]Installed height15, 20, 25, 35, 43, 48, 5820, 25, 35, 43, 48, 58, 63, 68, 88, 108, 138
BE[mm]Total expansion profile width115125145165185
SE[mm]Visible profile width after installation6080100120140
HE[mm]Installed height64, 69, 74, 84, 92, 97, 10769, 74, 84, 92, 97, 107, 112, 117, 137, 157, 187
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)40(±20)60(±30)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams





Technical description

Overlay floor profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation at a later execution stage, on finished surfaces. It is characterised by a smooth surface finish (NALG) or a ribbed finish (NALR), depending on the relevant needs, as well as an aesthetically pleasing look.

The special profile structure allows it to transfer cave-in forces.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

Particularly recommended for use in any kinds of public buildings, such as office buildings, banks, schools, hotels, etc.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles423/NALR-055





Corner profilesE 423/NALR-055

E 423/NALR-075

E 423/NALR-095

E 423/NALR-110

E 423/NALR-135

Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width557595110135
B [mm]Total expansion profile width175195215230255
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation175195215230255
H [mm]Installed height43
BE[mm]Total expansion profile width153173193208233
SE[mm]Visible profile width after installation153173193208233
HE[mm]Installed height100
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)40(±20)60(±30)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams






Technical description

Overlay floor profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation at a later execution stage, on finished surfaces.It is characterised by a ribbed surface made of high-quality aluminium, as well as an aesthetically pleasing design.

An additional synthetic material washer is used to protect the expansion slit against intrusions of water and humidity. The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

Particularly recommended for public sites such as banks, airport halls, railway stations.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles424/NALR-035


Corner profilesE 424/NALR-035

E 424/NALR-050

Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width3550
B [mm]Total expansion profile width155170
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation155170
H [mm]Installed height3030
BE [mm]Total expansion profile width98113
SE [mm]Visible profile width after installation98113
HE [mm]Installed height9090
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation12(±6)16(±8)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams






Technical description

Floor profile made of aluminium and a cell rubber inlay. Foreseen for installation in expansion slits with any kind of surface finish. It is characterised by a smooth surface and an aesthetically pleasing design. The special profile structure allows it to transfer high loads.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles425/AL

Corner profiles

E 425/AL

Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width35
B [mm]Total expansion profile width175
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation43
H [mm]Installed height60
BE[mm]Total expansion profile width114
SE[mm]Visible profile width after installation45
HE[mm]Installed height119
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation16(±8)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755, synthetic material – cellular rubber
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams






Technical description

Floor profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation in expansion slits in floors with any type of surface finish. It is characterised by a slip-protecting surface and an aesthetically pleasing look.It is characterised by a smooth surface finish (ALG) or a ribbed finish (ALR), depending on the relevant needs, as well as an aesthetically pleasing look. The special profile structure allows it to transfer cave-in forces. Upon request, it is possible to use a synthetic material washer to protect the expansion slit against intrusions of water and humidity.

The entire visible profile surface is made of high-quality ribbed aluminium, making the profile suitable for rooms with high-quality finishing.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles426/ALR-040






Corner profilesE 426/ALR-040

E 426/ALR-065

E 426/ALR-100

E 426/ALR-050

E 426/ALR-080

E 426/ALR-100

Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width40651005080100
B [mm]Total expansion profile width160190230155/175*180/200*225/245*
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation60901307095135
H [mm]Installed height2043/ 48*/ 58/ 63*/ 68/ 88/ 108
BE[mm]Total expansion profile width120150210115/125140/150183/193
SE[mm]Visible profile width after installation63931337398138
HE[mm]Installed height5477, 82, 92, 97, 102, 122, 142
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams






Technical description

Floor profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation in expansion slits in floors with any type of surface finish. It is characterised by a slip-protecting surface and an aesthetically pleasing look. The special profile structure allows it to transfer cave-in forces. Upon request, it is possible to use a synthetic material washer to protect the expansion slit against intrusions of water and humidity.

The entire visible profile surface is made of high-quality ribbed aluminium, making the profile suitable for rooms with high-quality finishing.The non-skid profile surface guarantees safety of use in the area of the joint.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

Particularly recommended for use in public buildings, i. e. schools, pre-schools, railway stations, shopping centres, meaning – everywhere, where foot traffic is increased and where safety is required.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles426/ALR-RS-040




426/ALR-RS- 080

426/ALR-RS- 100

Corner profilesE 426/ALR-


E 426/ALR-


E 426/ALR-


E 426/ALR-


E 426/ALR-


E 426/ALR-


Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width40651005080100
B [mm]Total expansion profile width160190230155/175*180/200*225/245*
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation60901307095135
H [mm]Installed height2043/ 48*/ 58/ 63*/ 68/ 88/ 108
BE[mm]Total expansion profile width120150210115/125140/150183/193
SE[mm]Visible profile width after installation63931337398138
HE[mm]Installed height5477, 82, 92, 97, 102, 122, 142
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams





Technical description

Floor profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation in expansion slits with any surface finishes. It is characterised by a smooth surface finish (ALG) or a ribbed finish (ALR), depending on the relevant needs, as well as an aesthetically pleasing look. The special profile structure allows it to transfer cave-in forces. The entire visible profile surface is made of high-quality ribbed aluminium, making the profile suitable for rooms with high-quality finishing.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

Particularly recommended for use in any kinds of public buildings, such as office buildings, banks, schools, hotels, etc.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles426/ALRV-035




Corner profilesE426/ALRV-035




Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width355080100
B [mm]Total expansion profile width155155/175*180/200*225/245*
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation707095135
H [mm]Installed height4343/ 48*/ 58/ 63*/ 68/ 88/ 108
BE [mm]Total expansion profile width115115/125140/150183/193
SE [mm]Visible profile width after installation737398138
HE [mm]Installed height7777, 82, 92, 97, 102, 122, 142
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams






Technical description

Floor profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation in expansion slits in floors with any type of surface finish. It is characterised by a slip-protecting surface and an aesthetically pleasing look. The special profile structure allows it to transfer cave-in forces.

The entire visible profile surface is made of high-quality ribbed aluminium, making the profile suitable for rooms with high-quality finishing. The non-skid profile surface guarantees safety of use in the area of the joint.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

Particularly recommended for use in public buildings, i. e. schools, pre-schools, railway stations, shopping centres, meaning – everywhere, where foot traffic is increased and where safety is required.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles426/ALRV-RS-035



Corner profilesE426/ALRV-RS-035

E426/ALRV- RS-050



Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width355080100
B [mm]Total expansion profile width155155/175*180/200*225/245*
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation707095135
H [mm]Installed height4343/ 48*/ 58/ 63*/ 68/ 88/ 108
BE[mm]Total expansion profile width115115/125140/150183/193
SE[mm]Visible profile width after installation737398138
HE[mm]Installed height7777, 82, 92, 97, 102, 122, 142
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams






Technical description

Overlay floor profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation at a later execution stage, on finished surfaces. It is characterised by a smooth surface finish (NALG) or a ribbed finish (NALR), depending on the relevant needs, as well as an aesthetically pleasing look. Foreseen for installation in expansion slits with any kind of surface finishes.

The special profile structure allows it to transfer cave-in forces.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

Particularly recommended for use in any kinds of public buildings, such as office buildings, banks, schools, hotels, etc.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles426/NALR-070


Corner profilesE426/NALR-070


Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width70100
B [mm]Total expansion profile width175200
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation175200
H [mm]Installed height4343
BE [mm]Total expansion profile width150175
SE [mm]Visible profile width after installation150175
HE [mm]Installed height8585
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)20(±10)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams






Technical description

Overlay floor profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation at a later execution stage, on finished surfaces. It is characterised by a slip-protecting surface and an aesthetically pleasing look.The special profile structure allows it to transfer cave-in forces.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

The non-skid profile surface guarantees safety of use in the area of the joint.

Particularly recommended for use in public buildings, i. e. schools, pre-schools, railway stations, shopping centres, meaning – everywhere, where foot traffic is increased and where safety is required.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles426/NALR-RS-070426/NALR-RS-100

Corner profilesE426/NALR-RS-070


Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width70100
B [mm]Total expansion profile width175200
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation175200
H [mm]Installed height4343
BE [mm]Total expansion profile width150175
SE [mm]Visible profile width after installation150175
HE [mm]Installed height8585
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)20(±10)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams






Technical description

Profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation in expansion slits with any surface finishes. It is characterised by a smooth surface finish (ALG) or a ribbed finish (ALR), depending on the relevant needs, as well as an aesthetically pleasing look.The special profile structure allows it to transfer high loads and cave-in forces.

The entire visible surface of the profile is made of high-quality ribbed aluminium, making the profile become a perfect fusion of aesthetics and usability, as a result of which it is particularly recommended for warehouse halls and manufacture halls, wholesalers as well as public buildings.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles427/ALR-040



Corner profilesE427/ALR-040



Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width4065100
B [mm]Nominal expansion slit width197228265
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation97128165
H [mm]Installed height18,5/ 32/ 45,5
BE [mm]Total expansion profile width175206244
SE [mm]Visible profile width after installation100131168
HE [mm]Installed height85/ 98,5/ 112
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams






Technical description

Floor profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation in expansion slits in floors with any type of surface finish. It is characterised by a slip-protecting surface and an aesthetically pleasing look.

The special profile structure allows it to transfer strong forces and cave-in forces.

The non-skid profile surface guarantees safety of use in the area of the joint.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

Particularly recommended for warehouse halls and manufacture halls, wholesalers as well as public buildings.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles427/ALR-RS-040



Corner profilesE427/ALR-RS-040



Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width4065100
B [mm]Total expansion profile width197228265
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation97128165
H [mm]Installed height18,5/ 32/ 45,5
BE [mm]Total expansion profile width175206244
SE [mm]Visible profile width after installation100131168
HE [mm]Installed height85/ 98,5/ 112
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams






Technical description

Profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation in expansion slits with any surface finishes. It is characterised by a smooth surface finish (ALG) or a ribbed finish (ALR), depending on the relevant needs, as well as an aesthetically pleasing look. The special profile structure allows it to transfer high loads and cave-in forces.

The entire visible surface of the profile is made of high-quality ribbed aluminium, making the profile become a perfect fusion of aesthetics and usability, as a result of which it is particularly recommended for warehouse halls and manufacture halls, wholesalers as well as public buildings.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles427/ALRV-040



Corner profilesE427/ALRV-040



Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width4065100
B [mm]Total expansion profile width197228265
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation97128165
H [mm]Installed height32/ 45,5
BE [mm]Total expansion profile width175206244
SE [mm]Visible profile width after installation100131168
HE [mm]Installed height85/ 98,5
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams






Technical description

Floor profile made entirely of aluminium, foreseen for installation in expansion slits in floors with any type of surface finish. It is characterised by a slip-protecting surface and an aesthetically pleasing look.

The special profile structure allows it to transfer high loads and cave-in forces.

The non-skid profile surface guarantees safety of use in the area of the joint.

The profile finds use for various kinds of floor finishes, i. e. screed, natural stone, stone imitation, etc.

Particularly recommended for warehouse halls and manufacture halls, wholesalers as well as public buildings.

The profile conforms to fire resistance requirements for class E according to standard PN-EN 13501-1, according to which the products are able to stand up to the effects of a small flame without significant flame spreading – for a short time.

Profile available in flat and corner form.

Adhere to notices and remarks concerning installation.

Technical details
Flat bar profiles427/ALRV-RS-040



Corner profilesE427/ALRV-RS-040



Fb [mm]Nominal expansion slit width4065100
B [mm]Total expansion profile width197228265
S [mm]Visible profile width after installation97128165
H [mm]Installed height32/ 45,5
BE [mm]Total expansion profile width175206244
SE [mm]Visible profile width after installation100131168
HE [mm]Installed height85/ 98,5
W ± [mm]Expansion slit movement compensation10(±5)20(±10)30(±15)
Materialaluminium – properties according to standard PN-EN 755
Load [kN]**

Standard length [m]4

Installation diagrams





Product description

An expansion joint (dilation joint, from Latin dilatare: to expand, to extend) is a purposefully created slit in a building or structure, the task of which is to allow individual component of the structure to work independently of the rest. Separate components transfer loads, deformations and movements by themselves. Expansion joints are executed to protect the structure from:

– concrete contraction and temperature differences that can cause cracks or fractures of a reinforced steel structure,

– unequal setting,

– concrete creep.

The following types of expansion joints are known:

  • structural joints – they separate a part of the building forming one complete whole with respect to statics, manufacture technology and foreseen site use, or stem from its grand proportions. They are used if a foundation method is changed, a building’s structural arrangement is changed or load differences are great. They separate all structural components across one section, from the foundation to the roof,

  • thermal expansion joints – they work to contract or expand and protect the building against cracks arisen as a result of temperature changes. They act to eliminate the influence of large stresses from thermal deformations of individual building components,

  • anti-vibration expansion joints – in most cases associated with industrial structures, where they are supposed to protect the site or its constituent components against the influence of vibrations (dynamic and/or acoustic influences) from foundations and the framework profiles on which machines are placed. Similar properties and a similar requirement of use for a structure may be imposed by virtue of a building’s location in the area of influence of seismic waves caused by earthquakes or mining damage,

  • expansion joints allowing unequal structure setting – the phenomenon of setting stems from mechanical properties of soil, and in particular, from its compression ability, or the ability to reduce its volume under the influence of load. If the soil conditions change under the foundations, within the outline of the building’s silhouette, then its subdivision into individually working parts is substantiated from the economic point of view. One needs to remember that expansion joints should be designed in buildings along their entire height, from the foundation to the roof.

A national annex to Polish standard PN-EN 1992-1-1 indicates the maximum distances between expansion joints:

Table no. NA.1
Structure typeDistance between expansion joints djont

in metres
Structures subject to outside temperature variations

a) non-reinforced walls

b) reinforced walls

c) reinforced concrete framework structures

d) uninsulated roofs, cornices



Heated, multi-storey buildings

a) internal walls and ceilings, concreted monolithically in one line

as above – concreted in sections not exceeding 15 m in length,

with spaces left over for later concreting

c) internal pre-cast walls with external pre-cast walls

d) as above – with external walls of aerated concrete

e) as above – with light outside walls, lengthwise part providing rigidity in the central part of the building

f) as above – with fixing walls in the end parts of the building

g) pre-cast framework structures and monolithic structures with reinforcement in the central part of the building

h) monolithic framework structures with walls providing rigidity in the end parts – as appropriate

as in the case of internal pre-cast walls





as in the case of internal pre-cast walls

as for a) or b))
Heated single-storey reinforced concrete walls without walls providing rigidity or only in central part, with outside walls of low rigidity not experiencing cracking in case of deformations in their plane – depending on structure height h

a)  h≤5m

b)  5 c)  h  ≥  8  m

10 + 10h

Massive walls, if no special processes are used to reduce hardening heat and contractions depending on thickness

a) b = 0,3 m ÷ 0,6 m

b) 0,6 m < b ≤ 1,0 m

c) 1,0 m < b ≤ 1,5 m

d) 1,5m < b ≤ 2,0m


Possible directions of movement of building parts connected by expansion joints.

Structures and their details are always subjected to influences by diverse forces that are the result of setting, temperature and humidity variations, static and dynamic loads. These forces cause tensions within components, which can cause the emergence of irreversible changes in the parts or cause the material to crack, or in the extreme cases, to fracture.

In order to reduce the possibility of permanent damage emerging or of damage spreading to other parts of the structure, individual building components are allowed to work independently with respect to their statics. This requirement is fulfilled by the designed structure joints – expansion joints.

Mutual movements and the width of the expansion joint are determined in the design phase. Of significant importance during the design phase is the designing entity that decides on the choice of appropriate expansion profile system. The contractor in turn should adhere to recommendations and instructions of the expansion joint profile system manufacturer

The choice of appropriate profiles for installation of the expansion joints is thus decisive for their proper operation.

Should the issue not be treated seriously enough, damage such as surface cracks, fractures on corners, structure humidity, flaws and profile structure damage will emerge.

In case of expansion joints in floors of industrial and warehouse structures, one should consider, beside the width of the slits, also the thickness of the floor surface and the movement values to be expected, loads from wheels of transport vehicles and their tyre types.

Information on tyre types is very important, because one assumes the use of vehicles with small wheels that have a small width, made i. e. of hard polyamide or vulkollan.

Point loads that are then transferred to the expansion joint protection component (profile) are very high, and even if the slits are comparably narrow, appropriately massive expansion profile structures need to be used.

How the pressure forces and pull forces act on the structure, is presented in the image below.


For floor profiles, static tests were conducted according to load data for forklift trucks per norm PN-EN 1991-1-1 and DIN 1072 – loads from vehicle traffic.

In case of proper profile choice, the following decisive criteria should be taken into account:

a) allowable horizontal shift ±

b) allowable vertical shift – surface setting (i. e. cave-in area, earthquake area or joints of new buildings with existing structures),

c) expansion joint width,

d) height of profile installation into structure,

e) visible profile part,

f) other materials, with which the profile will come into contact (i. e. screed, asphalt),

g) normal loads (standards per PN-EN and DIN 1072),

h) place of use, i. e. structures with high hygiene and sanitary requirements (hospitals, schools, etc.),

i) aggressive media (chemical industry, milk manufacture plants, etc.),

j) providing the interior with a particular aesthetic design,

k) option of installation on the finished floor surfaces at a later construction phase or in unfinished surfaces.

The load table, according to which an initial choice of expansion profile may be made, is found below.

Deflex floor profile load table
Load typeAccording to norm 

Vehicle typeMaximum static vertical load from vehicle axle


Area of tyre adherence to surface [cm]

Separation between components anchoring the profile to the grounda [cm]

Distance from last anchor to profile end [cm]

PN-EN 1991-1-1

DIN 1055
Forklift truck2620/203015

PN-EN 1991-1-1

DIN 1055

PN-EN 1991-1-1

DIN 1055

PN-EN 1991-1-1

DIN 1055

PN-EN 1991-1-1

DIN 1055

PN-EN 1991-1-1

DIN 1055

DIN 1072Goods truck4020/303015

DIN 10723020/263015

DIN 10722020/203015

DIN 10725020/403015

DIN 107210020/603015

particular situationPallet lifter102/33015

PN-EN 1991-1-1Light vehicle

≤ 30 kN

Considering structure reliability, usability as well as aesthetics and functionality of a site, one should make all effort to provide appropriate protection of expansion joints. Experience shows that increased expense borne in this respect and high professional quality of the contractor limit to a great extent expenditures for refurbishment and mitigate difficulties during site use.

This catalogue should be helpful material for the purpose of design of expansion slit execution and for the choice of appropriate profiles.

In case of any doubts, please contact our technical advisors. We are convinced that we able to provide optimum solutions even for the most uncommon situations.

In case of queries concerning the choice of expansion profile, please indicate:

  • expansion slit width,

  • expansion slit movement compensation,

  • structure profile installation height,

  • load amount,

  • point of installation.

In the following table are presented the most important properties of Deflex expansion profiles, facilitating the initial choice of the proper solution.

Expansion profile typesLoad typeExpansion slit width [mm]MaterialMovement direction















Expansion joint